Kelowna Web Design & Website Support Services

Web Design & Development | Premium Web Consulting | WordPress Development Search Engine Optimization | Support & Maintenance

Full Service Digital Agency For Edmonton

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Web Design & Development Services Kelowna

Having a strong online presence is of the utmost importance. And that will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future. That’s because the majority of our interactions – business or social – take place online. The digital realm is a hub of information. Search engines have been designed to make information and websites easily accessible. However, the algorithms that determine a page’s relevance are constantly changing. The parameters that determine website authority are constantly changing. And that can be quite a headache to deal with.

What you need is a team of specialists to keep your website fully optimized and keep it that way as the digital world continues to evolve. Two Trees Studio is a digital agency that offers website optimization services. Our services include website development, SEO optimization, web design and graphic design services – Kelowna. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. And we use the latest technologies and software in order to build your website, integrate third party software, increase click through rates and much more!

So if you need help getting your website optimized, give us a call. Our experts will work with you to devise a strategy to achieve your objectives.

Call Us

+1 (403) 483-3117
+1 (587) 437-2645


Our Skills
Website Design 92%
Website Development 92%
Search Engine Optimization 98%
Internet Marketing 98%
Application Development 52%

Our Area of Expertise

Originally, our main service was web design and development. Although, we’ve been in business for some time. And over time, our team has grown and our services have expanded. Currently, we specialize in web development, web design, graphic design as well search engine optimization. Essentially, we can fully build, integrate, optimize and maintain your website.

Two Trees Studio – Kelowna Web Design Services​, uses the latest software to measure your website’s performance and help us figure out what steps need to be taken. Our team will work with you to build a strategy that will work. First, we’ll sit down together and discuss what exactly your objectives are. We’ll want to know as much about your business as possible in order to properly convey your brand to your audience. And then we’ll get to work! Using software such as WordPress, WooCommerce, CSS and Google AdWords, we’ll achieve your goals in no time.

Web Design Packages


Website 1-2 Pages
$ 199 Per Project
  • Template WordPress Site
  • Easy Website Editor
  • Mobile Responsive
  • SEO Friendly
  • 2 Stock Images
  • Google Map
  • Social Media Integration
  • Domain Name & Hosting for 1 year


Website 5-7 Pages
$ 749 Per Project
  • Template WordPress Site
  • Easy Website Editor
  • Mobile Responsive
  • SEO Friendly
  • 2 Stock Images
  • Google Map
  • Social Media Integration
  • Domain Name & Hosting for 1 year


Website 5-7 Pages
$ 949 Per Project
  • Template WordPress Site
  • Easy Website Editor
  • Mobile Responsive
  • SEO Friendly
  • 5 Stock Images
  • Google Map
  • Social Media Integration
  • Webmaster Tools , Google Analytic
  • Web Copywriting Services
  • Domain Name & Hosting for 1 year

Startup Package

Website 1-2 Pages
$ 1249 Per Project
  • Template WordPress Site
  • Easy Website Editor
  • Mobile Responsive
  • SEO Friendly
  • 5 Stock Images
  • Online Shopping Cart
  • Social Media Integration
  • Webmaster Tools , Google Analytic
  • PayPal or Square Integration
  • Domain Name & Hosting for 1 year


Up to 25 pages + E-Commerce
$ 3490 Per Project
  • 5 to 25 Unique Pages Website Design
  • Customized PHP Development
  • Mobile Responsive
  • SEO Friendly
  • 30 Stock Images
  • Online Shipping Cart
  • Social Media Integration
  • Webmaster Tools , Google Analytic
  • Custom Dynamic Forms
  • Google Friendly Sitemap

Mobile Friendly, Responsive Design
Web Design Services in Kelowna

Is your website optimized for all devices?

If it’s not, you’re likely not tapping into your market to your full potential. These days, people aren’t just using the internet on their computers. Online activities such as shopping often take place on the fly. Technology is transforming at an incredible pace. Now people are surfing the internet on their phones, laptops, tablets and Macs. So it’s important that your website is easy to navigate on any device. However, after you’ve built your website, it won’t necessarily work on every device.

At Two Trees Studio – Kelowna Web Design Services​ and Website Support , using responsive design we will make sure your website is fully optimized and functional for any device. Our developers will create a seamless user experience by making your website aesthetic, uniform and easy to navigate.

WooCommerce Development Services

People are increasingly directing their attention online. Which begs the question, do you have an online shop? Is it as good as it needs to be?

Let’s face it, the last thing anyone wants is to use an app or website that is poorly designed and is confusing to navigate. And as a business, it’s in your best interest to provide your customers with an enjoyable browsing experience until it’s time to hit the “Buy” button.

Two Trees Studio – Kelowna Web Design Services​ – has built countless eCommerce pages. Thanks to WooCommerce, an innovative and easy to use plugin on WordPress, we’ll get your online shop online and working smoothly in no time. We can add cool features and make your website attractive.

Above all, we are experts in WordPress – WooCommerce development, and we can help you create or update a site so that it functions as it should. In addition, we provide other WordPress/WooCommerce services as well, which you can learn more about below.

In conclusion, looking to have your WooCommerce shopping cart designed and managed? We have been using this system for years and can help you out.

  • WooCommerce Consultation Services
  • Customization
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Design And  Integration
  •  Development WooCommerce
  • Custom Module Development
  • Migration
  • SEO
  • Server Management
  • Hosting WooCommerce Upgrades
  •  Support And Maintenance for WooCommerce
  • Inventory Management for WooCommerce 
  • Data Migration Services
  • Store Setup
  • Theme Integration
  • Template Designing
  • Payment Gateway Integration

Search Engine Optimization in Kelowna

An integral part of building a strong online presence is to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines. You can have the most beautiful, interactive website, but if no one can find your page then what purpose does it serve?

At the beginning of any search query lies a search engine. And these search engines are designed to make relevant information more accessible to users. Think of the internet as a library, the search engine as a librarian and your website as a book. Naturally, a functional library will organize all the books by content so people can find what they’re looking for.

So by using keywords, title tags, backlinking and various other techniques within the content, we tell the search engine what exactly it’s about. The search engine then indexes it and displays it in the search results. The higher up you are in the search the more likely you are to attract visitors.

At Two Trees Studio – Kelowna Web Design & Website Support Services, we know all of the on page and off page SEO strategies. We’ll embed your pages with carefully selected key phrases to increase organic traffic to your website.

Edmonton Web Design Services


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+ 1 (403) 483-3117
+1 (587) 437-2645

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